Use seaweed to stimulate your immune system


Japanese seaweed possesses remarkable immunizing properties, especially in fighting cancer. Japanese researchers at the University of Kitasato have discovered 6 kinds of seaweed which inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells in rats, notably two types of Laminaria.
Laminaria extract has proven 70% to 84% effective in suppressing intestinal tumors. Wakame, another Japanese seaweed, is now familiar to many Westerners, thanks to the arrival in the west of Japanese macrobiotic cooking, which uses it a lot. Pharmacologists at the University of Hawaii injected rats with an extract of this substance. They found that the seaweed helped prevent and cure cancer. The researchers claim that Wakame fights cancer by activating and strengthening the immune system. It can be found in most health food stores.

How to prevent motion sickness naturally

Did you know that half a teaspoon of ground ginger is more effective than chemical medication in suppressing motion or sea
sickness? And unlike most medication, it will not make you drowsy. Ginger has been used in the Orient for centuries to prevent sea sickness. Researchers asked subjects who were especially susceptible to motion sickness to sit in a reclining chair that spun around at high speed. All the subjects who ingested a well known medication or who took a placebo experienced violent nausea and/or vomiting. On the other hand, six of the twelve subjects who took ginger twenty minutes before the test experienced no discomfort. They consumed only 840 milligrams of ground ginger, which is the equivalent of half a teaspoon.

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